AIX HACMP 간단 구성 방법
IT,PC,모바일,스마트폰 정보와 팁 그리고 제품리뷰와 생활정보
AIX HACMP 간단 구성 방법
2011. 2. 14. 17:06
예전에 구성 해보면서 적어 뒀던건데.. 현재 Version 에 맞는지는 모르겠습니다..
smitty hacmp 후에 번호 순서대로 하면 됩니다.. ^^;;
# smitty hacmp
+ Extended Configuration
+ Discover HACMP-related Information from Configured NOdes 3. Node 정보 Discovery gather
+ Extended Topology Configuration
| + Configure an HACMP Cluster 1. Cluster Name Add
| | + Add/Change/Show an Hacmp cluster
| | Cluster Name [ ha ]
| |
| + Configure HACMP Nodes
| | + Add a Node to the HACMP Cluster 2. Cluster Node Add
| | Node Name [ db ] // & [ app ]
| | Communication Path to Node [ Boot IP ]
| |
| + Configure HACMP Networks
| | + Add a Network to the HACMP Cluster
| | # Discovered IP-Based Network Types ( ether ) 4. Network 구성
| | Network Name [net_ether_01]
| | IP Aliases [No]
| |
| + Configure HACMP Communicatioin Interfaces/Devices
| | + Add Communication Interfaces/Devices
| | Add Discovered Communication Interface and Device 5. Communication Interface /device 구성
| | Communication Interfaces
| | net_ether_01
| | db / app en0 en1 boot stby All Select
+ Extended Resource Configuration
| + HACMP Extended Resources Configuration
| | + Configure HACMP Service IP Labels / Addresses
| | | + Add a Service IP Label/Address
| | | Configureable on Multiple Nodes 6. Service IP 구성
| | | net_ether_01(192.168.......)
+ | | IP Label/address [ db ] // & [ app ] Service IP 선택
| | |
| | + Configure HACMP Application Servers
| | | + Add an Application Server
| | | Server Name [ db ] // & [ app ] 8. Application Server 구성
| | | Start // Stop Script [ /usr/sbin/cluster/sbin/start(1).sh stop(1).sh ]
| |
| + HACMP Extended Resource Group Configuration
| | + Add a Resource Group
| | Cascading
| | Resource Group Name [ rg1 ] // & [ rg2 ] 7. Resource Group 구성
| | Participating Node Names (Default Node Priority) [ db app ] // & [ app db ]
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